Kaiser Permanente Roof Management
Roof Management
Kaiser Permanente
Kaiser Permanente
Roof asset inventory and assessment; long-range master planning for maintenance, repair, and replacement
To aid in developing a long-term plan for capital spending on facility maintenance, Kaiser Permanente hired PRC to perform an assessment of existing roof and related flashing systems covering the majority of the buildings that make up the Sunnyside Medical Center campus. The program included a survey of nine structures and a total of 81 roof areas of varying construction.
After obtaining and reviewing available as-built drawings and warranty information, PRC performed a comprehensive survey of all roof areas included in the program. Each roof area was accessed by PRC personnel for visual and tactile inspection of the various system components and conditions. Data collected for each roof area was input into PRC’s RoofPro roof management software and a schedule for replacement was then developed based on priorities assigned according to estimated remaining service life, among other influencing factors such as access constraints and relative proximity. Recommendations for maintenance and repair were provided where appropriate and system options were developed for replacement based on expected service conditions for each particular roof area. A comprehensive report was assembled, with an executive summary of the overall assessment, individual summaries of findings and recommendations applicable to each structure, and individual evaluation and recommended action forms for each roof area, including associated budgetary cost projections.
Over the years, PRC has provided consulting services to Kaiser Permanente on a wide range of projects – from roof assessments and leak investigations to roof replacement design and quality assurance – at numerous properties throughout the Portland metro area. As a direct result of this roof management program, Kaiser hired PRC to consult on a number of subsequent individual leak investigation and roof replacement projects at the Sunnyside Medical Center campus.